To access to the AAVSeq tool: https://oculargenomics.meei.harvard.edu/AAVSeq_app/
You can find more information about the tool on it’s documentation file: [file to be provided].
Note: This application is under development, and functionalities will be added, modified and removed when necessary.
The AVVSeq tool has being created for the analysis of the Anc library data set generated by the Luk Vandenberghe’s lab at The Grousbeck Gene Therapy Center, any other use of the tool is not supported.

The AVVSeq tool has 3 main functions: “MA Plot”, “Multi-Plots” and “Data Merge” respectively.
“MA Plot” allows user to plot one particular Anc library data set against another same Anc library data set, including the respective Control sets as well.

“Multi-Plots” allows user to input multiple files from the same Anc library.

“Data Merging” function allows user to combine columns of the replicates samples within 1 library, allowing the user to save the file for further analyses.